AFRO FOODZ: Environment forms the ingredient.

Environment forms the ingredient

We are convinced that mother nature makes the biggest contribution to any ingredient. Ultimately, the pure and slow process of the unique natural environment creates the tastiest and healthiest ingredients possible.

Morning Sun

Wine uses the concept of "terroir" to emphasise the dominant role that the complete natural environment plays in forming a wine. In the same way, we feel that food is created primarily by its environment, and that in terms of food delicacies, sub-Saharan Africa's biggest asset is its unique environment.

Nature has evolved for millions of years into a near perfect process to create food. The less intervention in this process, the better for the ingredient. Human beings can channel and stimulate growth, but it remains a fine balance how much intervention is good.

For the last 50 years, human effort has largely focussed on increasing productivity of animal and plant growth by selecting super-species and by speeding up the growing process. We conclude that this has been to the detriment of the quality and diversity of the ingredients that we have available in our supermarkets today. Ultimately, the pure and slow process of the natural environment creates the tastiest and healthiest ingredients possible.

At AFRO FOODZ we believe that it is essentially the environment which forms the ingredients, and it is fundamentally the ingredients that create the dish. The less we intervene the better. We offer you remarkable ingredients that are formed by sub-Saharan Africa's extraordinary environments.